Thursday, 5 August 2021

#Diatia 3: Enjoy it - even just a little bit

Whatever cardio you do, it needs to be enjoyable.  There’s a huge difference between grinding out something that’s hard, and enduring something that you absolutely hate.  Consistency is vital, so you need to remove all unnecessary hindrances.  I’ll never stick at running, it hurts my joints and I just don’t enjoy it, I could tough it out, I know I could for a while, but why would I?  For a long time I’ve had a half notion of doing a 5k park run.  If I trained for it, and then did it, it would be a one-off and I’d never do it again.  Tick it off the bucket list and move on.  Consequently it would actually be counterproductive.  To be fit, or stay fit, or to get fit, cardio needs to be a regular and consistent part of your life, not just your training routine.  You could get away without doing resistance training, but not cardio.  That’s why it needs to be enjoyable, or maybe even fun.  I really enjoy a day’s hiking, but my life circumstances (having three youngish children) makes this difficult to do.  I enjoy walking, but again life circumstances make it hard to be away for long periods of time to put in the miles.  But the walking machine is perfect for me, you’re never far away, the steep incline makes the workout harder and therefore shorter, and you can listen to music without the fear of being knocked down.  You need to do something hard on a regular bases, something that gets your heart rate up.  So make sure you enjoy it, even just a little bit!

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