Friday 22 January 2021
Today was fine, three meals, a bit hungry. I wonder will that hunger stop, or does it stop when you don’t think about it, like a nagging tooth, only sore when you notice the nag, not sore when you don’t? Then you do nothing but think about it trying not to think about it, which is just scunnering1! I think I’m still excited, it’s all shiny and new. No matter your age, you always get that feeling, yip that one, the shiny and new feeling when it’s still shiny and new. But you can control yourself, well normally, you don’t show it, but still you’re excited, whatever makes you excited has made you excited, and you’re off after it! Anyhow, I’m still close enough to the old, for the here and now not to be the present, it hasn’t become that yet, and once it does the shiny and new will have passed. This is a big thing, honestly it is, perhaps the biggest thing.
I hate structure, maybe structure isn’t the right word, so I hate whatever I think I mean by structure. I can have a million ideas, exploding in the air like fireworks, scaring people, starting fires, a moments brilliance, the explosive energy people don’t want. Creativity always finds its place, normally we think of art, but food is art, observed by eye and nose and palate. I like cooking, I like to do something new, I like the tastes, and the smells, and the processes, and the preparation, and the research, and the perfecting, and most importantly the eating. But this all has a limit. It’s not that you can’t do this all the time, it’s that you mustn’t! I need the mind numbingly dull during the day. That’s where I’ve failed, doing the boring stuff, flashes of boredom punctuated by a bit of this, or a bit of that. I’ve never really got anywhere (boo-hoo), this isn’t to illicit sympathy, unless you feel so inclined. I need to be boring, to bridle the innovative, the imaginative, to stick with it, if you are hungry do ‘x’. The creative gets the book written, the boringly monotonous gets it published.
1. sickening
/ loathful
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